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Top Places For A Street Art Tour

If you want to travel this summer and go to a destination that has a lot to offer in terms of art, but not one where you’ll spend all your time inside galleries, there are some cities you should check out for their street art.

There’s no better way for an art lover to spend the day than meandering in the great outdoors and spotting street art gems along the way. If you’re short on time, you may not want to risk exploring alone and missing some of the top pieces of work.

Travel Weekly recently picked out some of the best cities to visit - and some of the top tours to take - if street art is on your agenda.

Make sure you pack your hipster camera bag so you look the part while you’re exploring and taking snaps.

Berlin is at the top of the list. The German city’s strong street art tradition dates back to the 1980s when the west side of the Berlin Wall became a gallery for political expression. Now, the East Side Gallery, which is one of the world’s largest open-air art galleries, is the place to go.

Another place to seek out street art is Brooklyn in the USA. In fact, the news provider suggests contributing to the street art in the city by joining a tour and workshop with a local street artist where you get to have a go at creating your own iconic scene with a spray can.

You don’t need to leave the UK to get a taste of outstanding street art though. Last month, Leicester hosted the Bring the Paint festival, where artists from all over the world came to the city and created murals around the city’s streets, the Leicester Mercury reported.